Love swimming? Chlorine and other pool chemicals can harm your eyes; expert shares precautions to take

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New Delhi: With the advent of summers, splashing around the swimming pool can turn out to be one of the favourite pastimes for many. No matter how much it may sound fun, you cannot escape the unpleasant side effects of poolside chemicals and the chlorine used in the water. This can lead to itchy eyes, skin and dry hair.

In conversation with News9, Dr Aditi Sapovadia, Pediatric Ophthal, squint and cataract consultant at Netradeep MaxiVision Eye Hospital, Rajkot said, “While swimming pools offer refreshing relief from the summer heat, the chemicals used to maintain water quality can pose risks to eye health if proper precautions are not taken. Chlorine, a common disinfectant used in pools, can irritate the eyes and cause discomfort, redness, and even temporary vision disturbances if exposed to high concentrations. Additionally, other pool chemicals such as bromine and algaecides can also contribute to eye irritation and sensitivity.”

Ways to protect eyes from pool chemicals

To protect your eyes from the potential hazards of pool chemicals, several precautionary measures can be taken. Dr Sapovadia said, “Wearing swim goggles or a snug-fitting swim mask is the most effective way to shield the eyes from direct contact with pool water and minimise exposure to chlorine and other chemicals. Look for goggles with tight seals and anti-fog lenses to ensure maximum comfort and visibility while swimming.”

Furthermore, rinsing off in the shower before and after swimming can help remove residual chemicals from the skin and reduce the likelihood of eye irritation. Showering before entering the pool also helps to minimise the introduction of contaminants, such as sweat, oils, and lotions, which can react with pool chemicals and exacerbate eye irritation.

Why hygiene is needed?

In addition to protective eyewear and proper hygiene practices, maintaining proper pool chemistry and water balance is essential for minimising eye irritation and promoting overall swimmer safety. Regularly testing and adjusting chlorine and pH levels according to recommended guidelines can help ensure a comfortable swimming environment for all pool users.

For individuals with sensitive eyes or pre-existing eye conditions, such as dry eye syndrome or contact lens intolerance, consulting an eye care professional before swimming in chlorinated pools is advisable. They can provide personalised recommendations and guidance on managing eye health concerns associated with pool chemical exposure.

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